Andrew and Oberwolfach's Boy surface

So… born during a blizzard on a Monday…

……I'm Andrew Wilson ——>

NewsGo Top

[June 2016] Too much exciting news to share this space.

[Apr 2014] I've been given a few weeks off my role at the University of Glasgow to work with the upcoming Edinburgh International Science Festival. I'll be at various venues across Edinburgh creating street Science shows and smaller busks to engage and inspire children and adults alike!

UPDATE: My busking partner and I were caught by a Wikipedian on camera and are now the image on the Edinburgh International Science Festival's Wikipedia page.

[Mar 2014] As a part of the Level 2 team and for my contribution last summer I've been awarded a College Teaching Award and we've been nominated for a University Teaching Excellence Award!

“Congratulations to the Maths Academic, Admin and IT team responsible for the introduction of Online Assessment in Level 2 Mathematics for winning a College Teaching Excellence Award! This has been a major project that has resulted in much better and frequent feedback to students and has improved student engagement.”
“Thank you again for all the hard work you have all done in changing how we teach Level 2”
“I just wanted to say that I found the first feedback exercise really helpful in understanding the topic, it really just made it click finally. I'm repeating 2B and everything seems so much better organised and thought out than last year so far. Webassign also seems to be great at making me understand what's going on… Thank you.”

Now we just have to decide how to spend the £1,000 £2,000 prize money…

[Jan 2014] Delighted to be back in my role as a University Teacher at the University of Glasgow for the next six months. For the first three months I am teaching the "Algebra" section of the 1S course. Head over to this page to see why Algebra is in inverted commas and to view some extra resources I've gathered for this course (covers the Calculus section too). For the second three months, financed from the College Dean of Teaching's Fund for Teaching Initiatives, I'll be working mainly on the development and implementation of resources for the planned rollout of new online assessment and tutorial resources for Maths Level 1 in 2014-15, parallel to the similar developments at Level 2 that I was involved in for this current year.

[Sep 2013] Excited to be selected as a Busking Science Communicator working with the Edinburgh International Science Festival in the Abu Dhabi Science Festival taking place during November 2013. I'll be a member of the 'Busking Bikes' team (although I believe we use tri-cycles not bi-cycles!) training local communicators into confident busking science communicators and then going out onto the streets of Abu Dhabi to engage and inspire the public using a series of short scientific demonstrations.

UPDATE: Interview with Nicola Shepherd (Busking Bikes Manager) discussing the Busking Bikes at Abu Dhabi Science Festival 2013 (via Spekaing of Science).

[Jul 2013] Working over the summer to redesign the University of Glasgow's Level 2 mathematics courses. A key goal has been to develop practices that will enhance student feedback and engagement. We have incorporated a portion of online assessment (for the first time at Glasgow's School of Mathematics and Statistics). As a part of this work I have developed a LaTeX class specifically to meet the needs of Level 2 Mathematics at Glasgow — I hope to open-source this class file and make it available online at some point in the near future. It is designed with a very modern look (using TikZ/PGF) to bring our handouts inline with current textbook typography.

[Jan 2013] Enjoying my new post of University Teacher in Mathematics at the University of Glasgow. Students of 1S Calculus can find the lecture slides here, they follow very closely the notes on moodle.

[Dec 2012] Enrolled on the Coursera Heterogeneous Parallel Programming course, looking forward to having fun learning to program GPUs over the winter holidays.

[Nov 2012] Discovered Project Euler and started having a crack at the problems there to hone my programming skills. There are over four-hundred problems to get your teeth into, each designed to be solved by a computer in under a minute leaving the emphasis on writing a slick algorithm.

[May 2011] Back in the UK now, searching for new projects and anticipating exciting new challenges. Those looking to get in contact can reach me at andrew{at}ajwilson{dot}co{dot}uk.

[Jan 2011] Currently, I am visiting the University of Sydney working on a del Pezzo package for Magma with Martin Bright, Gavin Brown and Steve Donnelly. Hopefully, this will eventually dovetail with some code of Gavin and Martin's that calculates Riemman-Roch spaces. This will allow us to calculate the 'worst' (G-invariant) divisors in the pluri-anti-canonical linear systems — i.e. a calculator for \(\text{lct}_m(X,G)\), where G is a finite group acting bi-regularly on a (possibly du Val) del Pezzo X.

[Sep 2010] Recently, I have completed my PhD (abstract) under Dr Professor Ivan Cheltsov at the University of Edinburgh. In my thesis I calculate global log canonical thresholds on smooth del Pezzo G-surfaces (where G is a finite group acting bi-regularly the surface such that the invariant Picard rank is one), finding that \(\text{lct}=\text{lct}_m\) for m=1,2 or 4; that is, that the global log canonical threshold is realised by a G-invariant divisor in the first, second or fourth anti-canonical linear system. I use these to classify the G-surfaces into G-exceptional and G-weakly-exceptional. There are applications of these results to the existence of Kähler-Einstein metrics, convergence of the Kähler-Ricci itteration and to certain conjugacy questions in higher rank Cremona groups.


Below are some of my mathematical writings, with varying levels of accuracy...any mistakes / comments can be emailed to me at andrew{at}ajwilson{dot}co{dot}uk.


EducationGo Top

  • [2010 - 2011] PGCert in University Teaching (In Progress), University of Edinburgh
  • [2006 - 2010] PhD "Smooth Exceptional del Pezzo Surfaces", University of Edinburgh
  • [2002 - 2005] MSci in Mathematics, University of Glasgow (2.1 degree classification)
  • [1999 - 2002] Electronic & Elec. Engineering, University of Glasgow
  • [1997 - 1999] Highers: McLaren High School, Callander (ABAAA : Chemistry, English, Mathematics, Music, Physics)

Received Awards

  • [Mar 2014] College Teaching Award (Level 2 Team) for the introduction of Online Assessment in Level 2 Mathematics.
    “This has been a major project that has resulted in much better and frequent feedback to students and has improved student engagement. The team have also been nominated by the College for a University Teaching Excellence Award.”
  • [2006 - 2009] EPSRC scholarship for PhD in Algebraic Geometry
  • [Summer 2004] Nuffield Foundation Undergraduate Research Bursary in Science (URB/01796/G) 'Creating aperiodic tilings of the plane with exotic rotational symmetry' with Prof Peter Kropholler
  • [2004] Lamont prize for 'an excellent performance' in the Junior Honors seminars

EventsGo Top

Conferences / Workshops


  • [14th April 2015] Online assessment & feedback: How to square the circle (abstract), 8th Annual Learning & Teaching Conference, University of Glasgow
  • [20th May 2013] The Kähler-Einstein Problem, Tian's \(\alpha\)-invariant and \(\mathbb{C}_+\)-actions on Affine Cones, Geometry and Topology Seminar, University of Glasgow
  • [24th April 2013] Conjugacy in Higher Rank Cremona Groups, Algebra Seminar, University of Glasgow
  • [10th Feb 2011] Computing invariant global log canonical thresholds in Magma, Computational Algebra Seminar, University of Sydney
  • [1st Dec 2010] Computing log canonical thresholds and applications, Geometry Club, University of Edinburgh
  • [21st Jun 2010] Alpha-invariant of Tian and exceptional quotient singularities, University of Edinburgh
  • [15th Mar 2010] Alpha-invariant of Tian and subgroups of Cremona groups, University of Edinburgh
  • [1st Apr 2009] Smooth exceptional del Pezzo surfaces, POSTECH, Pohang, South Korea
  • [17th Jan 2008] Group-invariant log canonical thresholds, POSTECH, Pohang, South Korea
  • [28th Sept 2007] Log canonical thresholds, Geometry Club, University of Edinburgh
  • [30th Sept 2006] Birational maps and blowing things up, Geometry Club, University of Edinburgh
  • [23rd Nov 2006] Be Rational! - Some rationality criterion for varieties, PG Colloquium, University of Edinburgh
  • [22nd Nov 2006] Castelnuovo's Rationality Criterion, Complex algebraic surfaces guest lecture, University of Edinburgh
  • [5th Dec 2006] The Lüroth Problem, First Year PhD Talk, University of Edinburgh

TeachingGo Top

Current teaching

Past teaching

  • [Jan 2014 - Jul 2017] University Teacher, University of Glasgow
    • [Semester 1 2014/15] 1R: Calculus
    • [Semester 1 2014/15] 2A Multivariable Calculus and 2B Linear Algebra (tutor)
    • [Semester 2 2013/14] 1S: Algebra
  • [Jun - Jul 2013] Lecturer / Tutor, Widening Access Summer School, University of Glasgow
  • [Jan - Sept 2013] University Teacher in Mathematics, University of Glasgow
    • [Semester 2 2012/13] 1S: Calculus (lecture slides & extras)
    • [Summer 2013] Level 2 Courses Redesign (inc. online assessment)
  • [2009 - 2010] Course Lecturer, University of Edinburgh
    • [Semester 1 2010/11] Af0: Applicable Maths 0 (foundation)
    • [Semester 1 2010/11] AM/MM1: Mathematics for 1st and 2nd year music technology students
    • [Semester 1 2009/10] Af0: Applicable Maths 0 (foundation)
  • [Jun - Jul 2009 & 2010] Lothians Equal Access Programme for Schools (LEAPS) Tutor, University of Edinburgh
  • [2006 - 2012] Undergraduate Tutor, University of Edinburgh
    • [Semester 1 2012/13] MSE1a: Mathematics for 1st year Informatics Students
    • [Semester 1 2012/13] MSE2a: Mathematics for 2nd Year Informatics Students
    • [Semester 1 2012/13] Honours 2: Several Variable Calculus and Differential Equations
    • [Semester 1 2012/13] Honours 3: Motion and Flow
    • [Semester 2 2011/12] MSE1b: Maths for Science and Engineering
    • [Semester 2 2011/12] Honours 3: 1-to-1 tutorial for a student with special requirements
    • [Semester 2 2011/12] PPS: Proof and Problem Solving
    • [Semester 2 2011/12] AlG: Algebric Geometry
    • [Semester 2 2011/12] Mi4: Mathematics for informatics students
    • [Semester 1 2010/11] MSS: Mathematical Study Skills
    • [Semester 1 2010/11] Honours 2: Foundations of Calculus / Several Variable Calculus
    • [Semester 2 2009/10] Mathsbase: Drop-in Tutorial
    • [Semester 2 2009/10] Mi4: Mathematics for informatics students
    • [Semester 2 2009/10] Honours 1: Geometry & Convergence / Group Theory
    • [Semester 1 2009/10] AM3/MM3: Mathematics for 2nd year engineers
    • [Semester 1 2009/10] Mathsbase: Drop-in Tutorial
    • [Semester 1 2009/10] Mi1: Mathematics for informatics students
    • [Semester 1 2009/10] Mi3: Mathematics for informatics students
    • [Semester 1 2009/10] MSS: Mathematical Study Skills
    • [Semester 2 2008/09] Mathsbase (during exam time)
    • [Semester 2 2008/09] Honours 2: Geometry & Calculus of Variations / Linear Algebra
    • [Semester 2 2008/09] Mi2: Mathematics for 1st year informatics students
    • [Semester 2 2008/09] Mathematical Communication and Computation Skills - Maple tutor
    • [Semester 1 2008/09] Honours 2: Several variable calculus / Foundations of calculus
    • [Semester 1 2008/09] Mi1: Mathematics for 1st year informatics students
    • [Semester 1 2007/08] AM3 / MM3: Mathematics for 2nd year engineers
    • [Semester 1 2007/08] AM1 / MM1: Mathematics for 1st year engineers
    • [Semester 2 2006/07] AM2 / MM2: Mathematics for 1st year engineers
    • [Semester 1 2006/07] AM3 / MM3: Mathematics for 2nd year engineers
    • [Semester 1 2006/07] Mathsbase: Drop-in tutorial
    • [Semester 2 2005/06] Honours 1: Geometry & Convergence / Group Theory
    • [Semester 2 2005/06] Mathsbase: Drop-in tutorial
  • [2006 - 2012] Private Tutor, Self-employed
  • [10th - 14th Apr 2007] Demonstrator, Edinburgh Science Festival
  • [Autumn 2004] Master-Class Tutor, Royal Institution of Great Britain
  • [2002 - 2006] Open-Day Student Assistant, University of Glasgow

ContactGo Top

E: andrew{at}ajwilson{dot}co{dot}uk

A J of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Glasgow